Stay tuned

Over the past two years, this blog has been a blessing to me and many others who not only read it but also contribute to it. two years ago not as many people were blogging. This site gave us a common place to share what we were learning. If you look through the archives you’ll find a broad spectrum of topics written by over 15 contributors of different ages and walks.

But as they say, all good things come to an end. in the case of this blog, this is not the end. it is an opportunity to refocus the purpose of it. Some have gone on to use other social networking tools to share what God is teaching them, and for that we are thankful. Just as the early church in Acts sent faithful believers out, we rejoice as we see more and more faith-based blogs populate our Facebook news feeds.

So what is next? Over the next few weeks we’ll be praying over what the focus of this blog will be, and we plan to come back with a clear vision for its future. To our subscribers and readers, thanks for your readership. We’ve been encouraged by God’s faithfulness which we’ve been able to share with you on this blog. We hope you have been encouraged and challenged too. Stay tuned.